TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Sales Rep Portal Overview

The Sales Rep Portal allows your sales reps to view and manage their customers' information, including interactive views and order management. Sales Rep Portal business rules also allow you to set up a default batch code, default location ID, and the quantity display mode.

Sales reps can also be restricted from viewing customers via the Customer Filter business rule, or by creating a sales rep hierarchy using the Sales Rep Access function.

You need to configure your user login in TRAVERSE to utilize the Sales Rep portal functions.

To use the Sales Rep portal functions:

  1. In the SM User Mapping function for your company, select your login.
  2. Select Sales Rep as the Link Type.
  3. Select a sales rep ID in the Link ID field.
  4. Save the changes using the Save button on the toolbar.

You may need to log out of the portal and log back into it for any changes to take effect.

Enter a customer ID to review in the Customer ID field to start using a selected function.